Archive for November 2022
Be Careful Around the Holidays! | Call Baxter for Any Cooking Mishaps and Fire Damage
Do you have that family recipe for the perfect stuffing, apple pie, or turkey? Every family claims
to have the best, but most people agree that they vary quite a bit. The one thing that remains
constant is not burning your house down in the process.
As we get bundled up and start preparing for family gatherings and other holiday events, it is
important to remember our safety precautions: keep an eye on your oven, cook with appropriate
materials, keep flammable items away from heaters, and make sure your smoke detectors are
in proper working order. Fire and smoke damages can be devastating, and they are the last
thing that you want in your home.
Luckily Baxter Construction LLC is here to pick up the pieces in your time of need. Our 24/7
team is ready to help you secure your home, mitigate any fire, smoke, or water damage done,
clean all of your household contents, and work with your insurance agents to put your home
back exactly the way that you want it.